Welcome to the Homepage of George Wolf / Interfool 
(Music-Maker, Film-Maker, Home-Pager and Part-Time-Joke-Cookie from the Austrian mountains)



Seamless Seasons 1-7:  

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The 4-Seasons Flight Film 

Through the alps of Vorarlberg/Austria - from the Arlberg via Verwall and Silvretta to Montafon.
The first 4 episodes are here and on YouTube.

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The Music-Album 

Available on all music streaming/download sites:


A "slightly" ironic self-portrait!

Briefly in advance: I was recommended to make it clear that the following text is NOT really ment seriously.
What I actually want to say here - and with many other texts on my homepage - ist the following: Emojis LOL ROFL... :-)

My name is George Wolf / Interfool. I am the least known "artist" of all time! The only celebrity that nobody knows and an international trendsetter that no one ever followed. I am that extremely unknown, that I even need to re-introduce myself to my wife and kids once or twice a week. Not even Google knows me. As I was told it is just not profitable for them to store any of my data, because the target group “miscellaneous” who could possibly be at least sort of interested in my kind of “art” is so extremely small, that it cannot even be measured with any modern technique. (According to Googles estimates it's around 0.3 people)

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I am on all major social media networks (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram) but my numbers of followers or subscribers always sunk into NEGATIVE values way below the zero point in only a couple of days after I joined a social media network. I have no idea how I managed to do that that, but I always had way more people unsubscribing my accounts than people who ever subscribed to it. So in my case it’s actually more appropriate to talk about “leavers” than about “followers”.

The only social media network, where my number of followers was ever above zero was Google Plus. But they closed down the whole thing, not long after I joined them ... Coincidence?

Whenever I would register myself somewhere and select the profession “artist” I constantly receive a request to put this under 2, 4 or more quotation marks! My “””artistic””” fields of activity are "Music-maker", "Film-maker", “Home-pager” and "over-modester". Furthermore I am a “hobbyist” (meaning that job wise I naturally do something completely different, because nobody on earth can live from “””art””” under multiple quotation marks). The one thing I am clearly NOT is an "influencer" - I am rather the opposite of that, an "outfluencer" actually!

I do almost everything myself when I am working on my creative stuff. Which is of course, not because I am so dammed good in doing all that, but rather because nobody else wants to do it.

Well, that’s it. I hope I was able to show my best side with this little introduction. Thanks for your attention!

George Wolf / Interfool
(A name you should remember … but won’t …)

 What the hell is „Interfool“?

“Interfool” is basically just a funny word play that I have been using for a number of different things since 1989. It started out as the name of the hobby film team, I had back then. It was in the title of a crime movie parody that we made in 1990. I have been hosting this homepage since 1999 under the domain name interfool.at and in 2019 I started to release my own music under the name “George Wolf / Interfool” on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and all the others.

In order to do so, I needed a unique name. “George Wolf” alone did not work, because that’s apparently one of the most common names in the world. If you google it you get so many hits that the counter of your browser just displays the infinity sign and occasionally the whole computer would crash with blue screen. So I added “/ Interfool” to it to make it unique and easier to remember. Furthermore, that saved me from registering a new domain name. 

In the worldwide composer directory, I have jet another name: “Georg E Wolf” (with exactly this spelling) because they rejected the “Interfool” addition in my name. It slightly sucks sometimes to have such a common name.